I can’t even believe it!

I am so legitimately shocked right now 😭 A little backstory (forgive me, some times I get wordy when I’m emotional 🙈) The day I signed with SeneGence 3.5 years ago, it was actually during our yearly Seminar. It was a streaming event, so I got to tune in from home and watch with very new eyes. I saw the 12 monthly Ms. SeneSynergy winners on stage and listened to learn it was a peer nominated award. I remember very clearly in that moment understanding that was the highest honor to achieve in the company. 🙌🏼 Not based on sales or numbers, but the recognition from my amazing and inspiring SeneSisters. 👑
My amazing bestie Sana Saleh called for me to be nominated for the month of June, and this month I’ve heard from so many of my amazing SeneSisters who also took the time to send in their nominations. I can’t even tell you what this has meant to me, and how deeply it’s touched my heart.
To see our monthly newsletter hit my mailbox tonight and open it to find this – WOW. To say I am floored would be an understatement 😭 I am humbled and BEYOND thankful to everyone who made this happen. I am forever touched and will remember this always. Sana, I am so grateful for you support and friendship. Thank you so much. 😭😭
Okay I’m done trying to make words now. I’m far too emotional for this! 😆🙈