Ultra Intense Matte Combos

Last week, I asked which Ultra Intense Matte Collection combo you guys wanted to see next, and you overwhelmingly chose Boss & Extra! 👏🏼 Although, when I was done shooting it, I really wanted to see Diva & Extra as well, plus a mix of the entire collection, too! 👏🏼 (What happens when you live that #extradivaboss life 😆)
AND WOW – I just can’t get over how perfectly this set mixes, and can be used to create basically every neutral lip you could ever dream of! 🙌🏼
As a bonus, I’m also including a collage using the Boss & Diva mix that I posted previously, too! SO MANY GORGEOUS OPTIONS, you guys!
Don’t forget! My January Sale is LIVE NOW! Comment below, message me, or text the word ORDER to 937-249-0863 to claim your set today!