2 Week Botox Results

Two weeks post-Botox results! 💉 I am so grateful to have found @myglowtheory and their expertise! Insiyah knows how to make me feel both confident and comfortable in my skin – I just love these results! 👏🏼
I’ll always be 💯% transparent about any cosmetic procedures I have done – so I hope you enjoy this look at how Botox settles over the course of a two-week period! It takes a few days to “kick in”, and then it goes through a period of being more stiff, before the final more natural look, at about two weeks.
Botox is a VERY personal decision – and it’s not for everyone! I am so blessed to be able to celebrate my 39th trip around the sun, and self care like this makes me feel at my very best 🥰 I love that I’m able to smooth things out without losing my expression – something that I rely on heavily!
PS – try to ignore some of the bad lighting 😜
@swakbeauty Two weeks post-Botox results from @Glow Theory Derm & Aesthetics ! 💉 #botox #botoxchallenge #botoxcheck #botoxresults #thisis39 #swakbeauty