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LeoSignGloss-lipsLeoSignGloss-lipstubesLeoGloss-4corp-gridIMG_3578 2IMG_3579IMG_3577 2IMG_3574LeoGloss-corp-zodiacIMG_3585 2LeoGloss-corp-cover

LipSense® Leo Sign Gloss (Limited Edition)


0.25 fl oz / 7.39 mL








Inspired by the zodiac sign comes the perfect gloss to wear or gift anyone, especially all the radiantly charming Leos!



Element: Fire 🔥

Symbol: Lion 🦁



Striking Leos are the natural leaders of the zodiac signs. If your birthday falls between July 23 – August 22, then you’re naturally confident, compassionate and generous, making you great company to keep.



Be a SHOWSTOPPER this season with this terra cotta-bronze tinted gloss with a shimmering gold finish. ✨ This glowy tone designed with a Leo constellation-themed label will put you in the limelight. ✨