The Return of Two FAVES!

Oh my flipping gosh, you guys! 😱 Two of my all time favorite colors have returned – one is even my official “power color”! 👑
PURPLE REIGN is back for a LIMITED TIME only, and CREAMER has returned – as a part of the permanent line! #excitingday
NOTE – It does seem that Purple Reign has had a slight reformulation! I included a set of swatches, but I’ll be doing my own set of comparison swatches as soon as the new tubes arrive in stock (of course)!
PS – I do have LIMITED inventory in stock of the previous Purple Reign formula right now, as well as a few tubes of Creamer, too! If you want the old formula, or just don’t feel like waiting, let me know ASAP!
Text the word ORDER to 937-249-0863 to claim your faves TODAY!