Shop My NEW Stock Form!

Have you heard the HUGE news? 🗣 I have a NEW and EXCITING way to shop my (massive) inventory - JUST IN TIME for the price increase which is set to hit in only 2️⃣ days! This is the BEST TIME to stock up on...

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Upcoming Global Price Increase

‼️ BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - PLEASE READ ‼️   It's no secret, prices are going up E V E R Y W H E R E. Between the cost of goods, food, shipping, gas - we are seeing it all around these days.   On August 18th at 12:00am pst,...

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Seminar 2021 NEW RELEASES!

Oh my GOSH, you guys ‼️ I have some VERY EXCITING new product releases to tell you about!! 🤩 This might just the most FUN-FILLED product release EVER!   [gallery columns="4" link="file" size="medium" ids="10636,10635,10639,10640"]   ⭐️ NEW! ROXSTAR LIPSENSE - This new Limited Edition LipSense shade was created by...

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The Return of Two FAVES!

Oh my flipping gosh, you guys! 😱 Two of my all time favorite colors have returned - one is even my official “power color”! 👑   PURPLE REIGN is back for a LIMITED TIME only, and CREAMER has returned - as a part of the permanent line! ...

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New Leader’s Conference Releases!!

Oh my goodness, it's been SUCH an exciting and busy day of NEW RELEASES!   We've had FOUR AMAZING new releases today! I will be sharing more about each one this weekend, IN DEPTH!! But here's the quick rundown (and YES, I do have inventory for ALL...

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